Sophisticated, nonlinear deals need a lot of relationship with different stakeholders to reach concluding status. Handling these friendships through email inboxes and spreadsheets isn’t sensible, particularly for fast-moving venture capital groups. Look for tools that can automate data capture, streamline VC deals, and support complex relationship mapping to save time and increase consistency.
Airtable’s relational database platform provides a powerful replacement of the Excel spreadsheets. It makes it simple to rank and search notes and research for companies within a pipeline or during research. Crunchbase and Public Comps are also invaluable tools to get VC associates, providing marketplace intelligence and detailed information concerning startups, expansion industries, and other investors. Lastly, Carta (formerly eShares) is definitely an ownership and fairness management system that streamlines back-office responsibilities by offering live cap table data, portfolio management, value plans, and current enterprise valuations.